What does Hapkido mean?

Translated from Korean as the "Way of Coordinated Power", Or literally "Coordinated Internal Energy Way."

Why do we wear black uniforms?

The original instructor for our system, Ki-Duk Lee, also taught Tae Kwon Do in his school. The TKD students traditionally wore white, so the Hapkido students wore black. There’s nothing sinister or "Ninja" about it, though it is a proud tradition and sets us apart visually from other arts just as our techniques and attitudes set us apart from other martial artists. Wear the black proudly.

Why do we bow?

Bowing shows a respect for our system, our school, our instructors and our comrades. We also bow to honor our predecessors in the martial arts. What you may not realize is that things we take for granted were at one time great accomplishments or advances. While many of our techniques seem simple and straightforward, they are each the result of hours and often years of concentrated study and research by someone whose name we may never even hear. We owe these people a great debt, and we acknowledge this by the simple act of bowing.

Can I also join other clubs, associations, and federations?

Certainly. This is not only permitted but encouraged. We want to encourage you to be well-rounded in your martial arts experience. Hapkido’s flexibility makes it uniquely adaptable and there’s room for you to incorporate additional techniques into your training.

Which other martial arts compliment Hapkido training?

Just about all of them will enhance your training in some way.  Here are some suggestions:Tae Kwon Do (or Karate) will help with kicks.T’ai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) will help with    concentration, body mechanics, flow and     balance.Judo will help with your falls and grappling.Arnis (Philippine stick fighting) for baton work.

What are these USHF seminars all about?

The seminars are workshops where senior instructors gather to demonstrate various aspects of our system. They share teaching tips, self-defense applications, training methods, insights. It’s also a good chance to mix and mingle with Hapkido (and other systems) students from other clubs and schools. To make friends and compare notes. The seminars offer the chance to study with the brightest and the best of our system and learn things that you might not have the chance to experience otherwise. These seminars are an incredible value. If you don’t believe it, shop around and see what other such programs charge for admission.

What benefits do I get from being a USHF member?

There are many benefits for United States Hapkido Federation members. Not the least of these is discounts on admission to the above-mentioned seminars. You also become a member of an organization with members all over the globe. And, once you’re a member, you can keep in touch with and keep track of former classmates, teachers and students. The newsletter keeps us in contact and up to date.

Can I make a lot of money teaching Hapkido?

There’s an old adage that it’s easy to make a small fortune teaching martial arts. Simply start with a LARGE fortune. The truth is that instructors teach for the love of the art and the love of teaching. Most of them would teach for free if circumstances allow. If you want to be rich, this isn’t the way to go.

Any advice for rank test jitters?

First, keep in mind that you’ve earned the right to test. If your instructor didn’t think you could pass, he or she wouldn’t let you test. You can do it if you’ve applied yourself and practiced. Try thinking of it as an opportunity for review.

How often do you get the uninterrupted attention of an experienced Hapkidoist who is focusing only on you and looking for ways to help you improve?

Keep in mind, also, that every single person who wears the uniform, no matter how imposing or experienced, started as a white belt just as you did.